Wired Living

Sunday, 25 March 2007

EarthLCD: 10" Thin Client LCD

Every smart home needs a nice interface to allow occupants to control various aspects of their abode, so I thought a nice touchscreen interface had to included in the project.

Been looking around on/off for a good few months, but I just wasn't up for paying a few grand for an in-wall pc, and wasn't sure about running long vga/ps2/usb cables to a pc elsewhere in the house.

So I thought building a thin client would be the most affordable solution.

After quite a bit of searching, I found this 10" thin client LCD for a damn good price.

Will be able to install a basic O/S , which will probably Win 98 as it's mentioned on their site - and I haven't touched a *nix system in a very long time.

I'll have it either launch a full screen browser to the interface that I'm yet to write, or perhaps automatically Remote Desktop into my MediaCenter and build a frontend on that.

So Anyway.. I bit the bullet and ordered it - looks like it will be around $700 landed - which is ALOT cheaper than anything else I've been considering. I almost bought a RelayTouch which I thought was perfect - but the price was a bit too steep. Would have come in at around $1700 landed!

If I can get it to work as i'd like to, I may get a few more and have multiple screens setup around the home.

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  • Hi,
    I found your blog off the XPL site.
    I'm ex-Melb now in Adelaide. I've been toying around with XPL myself. Trying to write a XPL framework in Python in my spare time for knowledge and fun. Interested in HA and found that xpl appears to be a good automation platform to bring everything together. Look forward to reading your future post.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 4 April 2007 at 2:08 pm  

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